Student Life
Experience the difference of community at CLS.
Because we have been created in the image of a relational God, the experience of living in community and sharing with others is essential. We intentionally promote respect, kindness, fun, and celebration, and we encourage students to cultivate authentic friendships with their peers and mentor relationships with their teachers and coaches. It’s part of experiencing the difference at Christian Life Schools.

Better Together–Building Friendships for a Lifetime
We are a school, but we are also a family, an intentionally relational community of people who love, encourage, and celebrate one another, and we have an unbreakable bond because once you’re an Eagle, you’re always an Eagle. The culture we build together at Christian Life provides an opportunity to build healthy friendships and make lifelong memories.

Student Life Opportunities
- Fall MS/HS Retreat
- Homecoming Spirit Week
- HS Homecoming Dance
- Chess Club
- HS National Honor Society
- MS and HS Student Councils
- HS Academic Quiz Bowl Team
- MS and HS Math Teams
- Earth Beat Environmental Club
- HS International Club
- MS and HS Rec Nights
- Jr./Sr. Prom
- Eagle Crew Fun Night
- Thrive Youth Conference

Looking for an education that goes beyond knowledge?
Download our Parent Info Packet to learn more about how CLS goes beyond a standard education to prepare kids for a future in college, career, and life.
Building Tomorrow... Today
We build a foundational education that sets our young learners up for a lifetime of success…for Middle School and beyond!